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Good versus bad home staging: What you need to know

Staging is an effective way to help sell your home. In a competitive market like Oakville real estate, this little bit of effort goes a long way. By following a few tips from the pros, you can ace your staging and get the best price for your home!

Renos and repairs

Often it’s the little things that sell people on a home. If your home needs to be renovated, be sure to invest the time and money to do so. The market in the Oakville area is strong; buyers have a lot of money to invest in houses for sale and they have high standards. So, it’s imperative that even the smallest of repairs be looked after. That means ensuring all the nicks and cracks get patched up, chipped walls get painted, leaky faucets get fixed, and any broken or worn down furniture gets mended or removed.

Home Staging For Real EstateBe inspired by Marie Kondo and Mr. Clean

The next task on the list is helpful both for staging and for the move: decluttering. Go through all of your belongings and ask yourself, “Do I need this?” If the answer is no, then prepare it for charity, give it to a friend or sell it online.

Once you’ve taken inventory, it’s time to get out the strong stuff and clean like you’ve never cleaned before. According to many real estate agents, having a dirty shower or kitchen area is a massive don’t. Even if your home looks beautiful on the outside, as soon as a buyer sees dirt and grime, you’ve lost the sale, whether it’s a house or condo.


While most branding today is very personal, when it comes to selling your house or condo, make it impersonal. For instance, if you’re into bold or challenging artwork, pack it into storage. If you love knick-knacks, put them in a safe space. The goal is to make prospective buyers feel at home, and not like guests in someone else’s.

Kitchen Home Staging

Kitchen Home Staging

Oakville real estate is about luxury and simplicity—so keep it neutral

If you really want to sell the space, keep it neutral. An easy-on-the-eyes decor makes people notice how comfortable the house is, meaning the focus is kept on the house itself and not on how beautiful the furniture is. And a simple design can signal to the buyer that they’re about to purchase a luxury condo or hidden gem of a house. This is a bonus if you’re looking for the best value for your property!

Move the furniture around…again

When it comes to the furniture itself, it’s often best to assess the interior design. Is it as good as it can be? Does it efficiently show the best use of space for the room? Furniture placement can be a vital tool because not only are you trying to welcome people to your space, you’re also trying to catch the attention of prospective buyers online. Removing larger furniture pieces will make your space seem airier and larger.

Start with a great first impression

One of the most important points, especially for Oakville homes for sale, is not to forget about curb appeal. The outside of your home is the first thing people see when they come knocking. Make sure the grass is cut, any interlocking work is good to go, and the front door looks clean and welcoming. This could mean the difference between a great first impression and a terrible one.

If you have a backyard, keeping it trimmed and neat is also important. Ultimately, it should be treated like the inside of your home. If you renovate, repair, declutter and clean the backyard space, you increase the attractiveness of your home as a whole while also leaving people with a great first impression.

Home Staging Design DIY 2020Focus on key points of interest

If you’re putting your house up for sale, the first thing agents will recommend is that you home in on key rooms of interest, so focusing on these three areas will make all the difference for buyers:

  • The master bedroom
  • The living room
  • The kitchen

This point is key in another way, as it keeps you from over-staging your home. People can tell when something is too manicured, and the best home is one that feels beautiful but also a little lived in.

Draw lots of light into the room

Let there be light! Oakville condos are especially coveted if they can offer lots of light. This is for a few reasons, not just our long cold winters, but also because it gives people energy and adds a freshness to their potential new condo. If it’s during the day, you can opt for natural light. If your showing is at night, don’t panic, you can swap out your old light bulbs for better ones, light some candles and create a warm, cozy ambiance for your visitors.

Contact Alex Irish for all your Oakville real estate needs

If you’re looking to sell your home or condo in the Oakville area, Alex Irish can get you started. Contact us today and we can help you choose the best sale price, access an incredible pool of potential buyers and, of course, stage your home!

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